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Death Race 4 2018

With the U.S. on its knees, suffering from complete societal collapse and rampant anarchy, the nefarious Weyland Corporation has created a vast and impenetrable prison-city called "The Sprawl", where more than 400,000 inmates are left to rot. Under those circumstances, the secluded community's undisputed ruler is the unknown iconic driver known only as "Frankenstein"
5.2/10 IMDb
Action,Adventure Didn't have much hope for this film as the story just felt silly and dull and most of the time it was, It felt like the director watched Mad Max on repeat before filming this, I like the other straight to dvd Death Race films but not so much this one, They added more nudity, Sex and Less Races, When the action does start it was pretty good with some brutal deaths and gory scenes, It wasn't greatly acted but they never have been, It didn't really fit into the series well and was more of a spin-off, If you enjoyed the others you might like it but it won't bring new fans to the table.